The perfect situation rarely occurs.
There is always going to be a chance of failure, and a chance for success. There will always be those who benefit from a decision, and those who don't.
What you must do, is take a macroscopic, microscopic, and introspective view upon our choices. Once you know of your life's purpose, your life's direction, and your desired outcome, and you operate with a clear conscience, life's decisions aren't too hard, really.
If you look at the compartmentalizing article, I used the president as a reference. S/he compartmentalizes their decisions and weighs them accordingly.
Being decisive is a similar thing. Sometimes, you just gotta say "jump."
Making a decision is a muscle that can be built like any other. The more difficult the decision, the more muscle you'll grow. The buck eventually stops at you; the more influential and impactual you are on the world, the more often that is going to be the case.
Instead of intimidating, think of that as liberating. You are creating your environment!
There is a story involving a general (I believe general Schwartzkopf) and he sits down at this table with a room full of advisors, and they bring to him two giant folders of information, of which they go over in depth. This decision has been in the wings for 15 years, and both sides have convincing arguments.
The General finishes up and says "enough. This is clearly the decision to be made. We will go with scenario B starting tomorrow morning."
Afterwards, the General's aid approaches him and asks for permission to speak freely, and, upon it being granted basically calls out the General'd decision to be a glorified guess.
The General smiles and replies "You're right. I have no idea if one was better than the other - there are simply too many variables to take into account. Ultimately, inaction was costing us more than the mistakes we're bound to make in this scenario. If it turns out to be the wrong one, we'll adjust as we go - but sometimes inaction'll kill you faster than improper action."
And he's right. Sometimes you're at a lose/lose/lose situation, or, a win/win/win situation, and its difficult to choose between all the outcomes. Weigh it in your mind, listen to your intuition, and ultimately, take the plunge and make the call.
Recommended Reading: Grow Up!
Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
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