Mental Toughness: How to attract abundance and prosperity

Its a cliche, and its true.


Imagine that you were a Sensei (martial arts instructor) and you were teaching a class, and you saw one of the students helping one of the other students with their technique.  What would your response be?  Something along the lines of gratitude and praise, yes?

The trick is, don't help people for the praise.  Just help.

Don't give "back" to the community.  Just give.

Reciprocity is a neat thing.  When you learn to simply look for ways to help people, the world just treats you better.

For a great charity to consider, check out this article I wrote: "Stop Giving to Charity!"

As well as, check out Nido Qubein, and impressive figure in the art of philanthropy.

Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
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