Mastering your emotions is a step towards awesome. If you learn to respect, accept, but not be hindered by criticism, you will be far ahead of those who cannot hone this skill.
To be able to impartially observe people's criticism and weigh it as though it were not directed at you, as well as weigh the source (and understand their perspective) it will give you significant advantage.
Also, if someone takes issue with something you have done - it does not necessarily matter if you are "right" - in the end, your actions have caused someone to take issue with you and, if at all possible, it should be fixed.
Having said that, you cannot allow yourself to be hindered by other people's criticism. By the very nature of being awesome, you will be picking a stance towards your passion.
You will be driven and you will exceed others in your field with your laser accuracy towards your goals.
As a result, there will be those who love and adore your methods, and those who disagree with them. You must be strong and not allow their opinions to sway your passion, though still humble enough to allow them to sway your methods.
Ultimately, ask yourself if they are aligned with you. Do they have a similar life outlook, similar passion, and similar drive? If so, weigh their criticisms higher than if not. Listen to all, but weigh appropriately.
"You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one." - John Wooden.
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